PL365 {2013}

Project Life: 365 

PL365 Photo Gallery

Project Life -
Our lives are like a big show that never stops.  There is no intermission, and if you blink too long or not pay attention you could miss out on such key moments. My Project Life focus is to capture the moments and memories on our own stage, from our show called life.
Becky Higgins, Project Life

365 -
A photo for every day of the year.  Life is more than just the big holidays and birthdays.  In the blink of an eye life flashes by, and as years pass, those precious little moments quickly slip from our memory.  By taking a photo each day, 365 days, not a moment shall be missed: the big moments, the little moments, the mundane, the everyday: life.
Capture Your 365

Added focus for 2013 -
One Little Word: Bliss. To use OLW projects to assist with Project Life: 365 and finding bliss everywhere. To help me follow my bliss.

bliss (noun) \blis\
1 : complete happiness ; supreme happiness
2 : utter joy or contentment
3 : paradise; heaven

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